Friday, August 3, 2012

Q Base : CST - Transit Sales against E1 and E2 Forms' @ Tally.ERP 9

'Transit Sales against E1 and E2 Forms' @ Tally.ERP 9
According to Section 6(2) of the CST Act, the first inter-state sale is taxable and the subsequent sale duringmovement of goods by transfer of documents is exempt from tax, if the sale is made to a registered dealer.

Let us consider the following example :

On 13-4-2009, M/s. Oriental Traders despatched the following goods to M/s. Star Power Controls, Orissa and raised an Invoice on M/s. Swastik Associates in Madhya Pradesh and charged 4% CST against C Form

Product Description
Black Matt
300 Kgs
Chocolate Brown
50 Kgs
P.O. Red
50 Kgs

During the movement of goods, Swastik Associates subsequently sold the goods to M/s. Rainbow Colours inWest Bengal and Rainbow Colours ultimately sold the goods to M/s. Star Power Controls in Orissa.

On the same day, Oriental Traders received C Form vide No. TC-2K-15023 dt. 13-4-09 from
Swastik Associates and issued E1 Form vide no. TE-1Q-0130 dt. 13-4-09.

In this case, sale from Swastik Associates to Rainbow Colours and Rainbow Colours to Star Power Controls is byway of transfer of documents. Oriental Traders has to receive C Form from Swastik Associates and will issue an E1Form to Swastik Associates. Later, Swastik Associates will issue E2 Form to Rainbow Colours and receive C Form. Finally, Rainbow Colours will issue E2 Form to Star Power Controls and receive the C Form.

 Chart showing movement of goods under E1 and E2 :

Create the following Party Ledger

Central Sales Tax (CST)

Maintain balances bill-by-bill
Inventory values are affected
Swastik Associates
Sundry Debtors

The entries to be made in the books of M/s. Oriental Traders with regard to the above transaction are given in the following pages.

Enter the details of the trasaction in a Sales Invoice
Setup :

        Press F12: Configure and set Yes to
          Alloseparate Buyer Consignee names
                     Activate ‘E1’ or ‘E2’ Transaction
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales.

        Change the date to 13-4-09.
        Select Swastik Associates in the Party's A/c Name and press Enter to view the supple- mentary details screen.
        In the Buyer details section enter the following details and accept the screen
          Consignee: Star Power Controls
          Address: B-3/114, Bhusan Vihar, Bubaneshwar, Orissa
          Buyer: Swastik Associates
          Address: 603, Marvel Complex, Madhya Pradesh
        Enter the details of the transaction in a Sales invoice and accept the default bill allocations in the Bill-wise Details screen.

 The completed Sales Invoice appears as shown below:

                    Press Y or Enter to accept the screen.

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